Hon Amelia Anne Kyambadde Minister of Trade , Industry & Co -operatives of the Republic of Uganda today met with Hon. Gratitude Magwanishe Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry of the Republic of South Africa for the 2nd Joint Trade Committee Meeting ( JTC ).

Both Ministers pledged to continue maintaining such platforms for not only exchange of ideas but utilise this pivotal forums for improving the Implementation of the Policies and Intiatives to ultimately achieve development in identified areas of common interest.

In a bid to further promote the already vibrant Trade relations between both countries, Hon. Amelia called for the reciprocal promotion and protection of Investment opportunities to address issues of Trade imbalance with Uganda.

Hon. Gratitude Magwanishe underscored South Africa's commitment to maintaining and improving the already vibrant relations between both countries agreeing that Uganda needs to work harder in improving exports to South Africa and that this Session of the JTC platform should effectively be utlilised for this purpose.

In review of the Progress made since the 1st Joint Trade Committee ( JTC) held in 2002, the following areas where discussed in depth;

1) Cooperation between the Industrial Development Cooperation (IDC) of SouthAfrica, Uganda Development Coporation (UDC) & Uganda Development Bank Limited (UDBL). IDC has trained a number of staff aiming at capacity building.

2) Cooperation between the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) of South Africa and the Uganda Research Institute ( UIRI). Both signed a cooperation agreement in 2011 and in May 2012 a Project Specific Agreement was signed to commence the Essential Oil Project in Uganda jointly run by both Insitutes.

3)Cooperation between the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) and the Uganda National Bureau of Standards cooperating under an MoU arrangement highlighting standards development, conformity assessment, certification.

4) Cooperation between Trade Investment South Africa (TISA) and the Uganda Investment Authority (UIA) to cooperate on the promotion of Trade and Investment between both countries specifically in Tourism, Agro processing, Mining and Mineral beneciation, oil and gas , pharmaceuticals, infrastructure development and services.

This meeting was preceded the Technical Officials Meeting led by Amb. Julius ONEN Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Trade , Industry & Coperatives and Officials from UDC, UIRI from Uganda and Ms. Lerato Mataboge the Ag CEO of TIA as well as other Officials from the Department of Trade and Industry of South Africa.

The Meeting concluded on a cordial note with both parties, Uganda and South Africa agreeing to effectively and timely implementing on what was deliberated upon